Monday, June 27, 2011

Guild Chat: Craigslist

Alltaire: Why do people message when when I'm AFK, and log before I can respond?
Alltaire: I wasn't even AFK that long...
Marylla: You're always AFK... :P
Cptnovie: ^
Alltaire: Sorry I do shit while I'm on the computer :P
Cptnovie: porn?
Marylla: porn?
Alltaire: Could I say yes just so I don't have to admit what I'm really doing?
Cptnovie: no
Cptnovie: :)
Alltaire: :(
Persephassa: yes say that alltaire, you don't want them to know you and I are facebook stalking one another.
Marylla: Stalking black ppl?
Alltaire: Putting in a Craigslist add for black people. Same thing.

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