22:22:09 [Alltaire]: WHAT THE HELl
22:22:17 [Sanstuss]: not all caps
22:22:17 [Alltaire]: Blazing drake screenshots, and I wasn't
22:22:19 [Sanstuss]: failed
22:22:20 [Alltaire]: I'M MAD, BRO
22:22:21 [Alltaire]: I'M MAD
22:22:24 [Sanstuss]: WHAT
22:22:25 [Vanìtyfaire]: HEY
22:22:27 [Sanstuss]: FUCK NO
22:22:29 [Vanìtyfaire]: he spammed trade
22:22:32 [Vanìtyfaire]: we can redo
22:22:35 [Sanstuss]: AGAIN
22:22:36 [Sanstuss]: NOW
22:22:41 [Aelendis]: pssh, people still use trade?!
22:22:43 [Vanìtyfaire]: meet at org bank?
22:22:52 [Sanstuss]: aye
22:23:06 [Alltaire]: "org bank"..there's only 5
22:23:20 [Diligo]: The one with the people and the npcs
22:23:25 [Sanstuss]: ^
22:23:39 [Alèsana]: btw my friends are spamming you
22:23:41 [Sanstuss]: the one in valley of strength
22:24:12 [Diligo]: Guess I need to do an Ashes of Al'ar
22:24:20 [Alèsana]: hey
22:24:25 [Alèsana]: i'll have mine soon
22:24:26 [Sanstuss]: calm down guy
22:24:35 [Diligo]: I will cut you Alesana
22:24:36 [Alèsana]: >.^
22:24:57 [Alèsana]: You could take H ledger from me =/
22:25:05 [Diligo]: I can do that regardless
22:25:13 [Alèsana]: =/////
22:25:15 [Sanstuss]: so are we doing this or what?
22:25:21 [Alèsana]: idk
22:25:36 [Sanstuss]: why is ur drake on steroids?
22:25:50 [Diligo]: Weekly injections
22:26:05 [Alèsana]:
[Burgy Blackheart's Handsome Hat]+ [Vrykul Drinking Horn]=win
22:27:52 [Alèsana]: i'm not ready for blackhorn on monday
22:28:01 [Alltaire]: YOU'RE GOING TO BE READY
22:28:02 [Diligo]: Of course you are not
22:28:02 [Alèsana]: i'm afraid of soloing barrages
22:28:03 [Alltaire]: OR SO HELP ME
22:28:20 [Aelendis]: you'll be fine
22:28:32 [Diligo]: quit being derpy with how you take them
22:28:45 [Alèsana]: ya i'm getting better sorta
22:28:50 [Sanstuss]: has earned the achievement [Heroic: Warmaster Blackhorn]!
22:29:07 [Alèsana]: 50 dkp minues?
22:29:10 [Alèsana]: *minus
22:29:17 [Sanstuss]: lol dkp
22:29:22 [Diligo]: 50 dkp minus every time you die to one
22:29:37 [Alèsana]: well i'll want mah bubble
22:29:51 [Diligo]: We need to switch to loot council so I
can just take all the gear.
22:30:01 [Diligo]: Then call for one sooner.
22:30:16 [Alèsana]: I try but they fall petty fast
22:30:19 [Alèsana]: *pretty
22:30:32 [Diligo]: well duh, it gets used up the moment you
get hit
22:30:43 [Diligo]: they aren't magic 300k shields
22:30:44 [Alèsana]: no barrages
22:31:00 [Diligo]: well, anticipate
22:32:05 [Alèsana]: when does 15% nerf start ?
22:32:17 [Diligo]: couple weeks probably
22:32:27 [Aelendis]: when you start actually getting good.
22:32:36 [Diligo]: That'll never happen
22:32:45 [Alèsana]: hey brah
22:32:47 [Aelendis]: precisely, dont use it as a crutch
22:33:04 [Alèsana]: i'm above average
22:33:31 [Diligo]: You must include all the people drooling
on themselves in your average
22:33:36 [Ishred]: screen shot is in achievement category i
think ;P
22:33:47 [Aelendis]: I have a dream... that one day, you
will BE the chicken you were meant to be. You wont hold yourself back with self
pity and terribadness.
22:34:01 [Alèsana]: That day is today
22:34:05 [Aelendis]: no my son
22:34:07 [Aelendis]: it is not
22:34:10 [Aelendis]: but someday
22:34:13 [Aelendis]: someday
22:34:29 [Aelendis]: for now, you're just a bucket of fried
22:34:30 [Alèsana]: i'm no longer the tiny grasshopper
22:34:51 [Aelendis]: no you're just a really fat one.
22:34:57 [Diligo]: no, you're a giant fat owlchicken
22:35:04 [Alèsana]: that can't fly
22:35:12 [Aelendis]: true story
22:35:21 [Alèsana]: wtt flight form for flying chicken form
22:35:29 [Alèsana]: or at least be able to mount while a
22:35:34 [Alèsana]: is that too muh to ask for?
22:35:37 [Alèsana]: *much
22:35:40 [Aelendis]: chickens dont fly either, they're
lazier than you are.
22:35:54 [Alèsana]: am I an owl or a chicken
22:36:00 [Alèsana]: i can't be both
22:36:07 [Aelendis]: you're both. you're parents met in a
22:36:16 [Alèsana]: I never met my father
22:36:24 [Aelendis]: and you never will. he's dead
22:36:30 [Alèsana]: did you
kill him?
22:36:36 [Ishred]: no that was me
22:36:40 [Aelendis]: no, he died in a pile of his own urine.
22:36:41 [Ishred]: starsurged him
22:37:02 [Alèsana]: well that sure is fucked to the UP
22:37:18 [Ishred]: anal [Starsurge]
22:37:21 [Aelendis]: lifes a bitch.
22:37:25 [Aelendis]: then you get starsuged.
22:37:41 [Alèsana]: yo karma will fuck your shit up
22:38:17 [Aelendis]: karma's just a retards way of wussing
22:38:29 [Alèsana]: diligo have you looked at the druid
abilities for MoP
22:38:34 [Ishred]: i got sapped by karma. thought i was
dead. but the rogue pussied out
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