Thursday, January 10, 2013

How Aelendis Shows He Cares

[23:47:21] [O] [90:Aelbram:1]: just remember city, i only push you to do better, because i care.
[23:47:29] [O] [90:Aelbram:1]: now if i push you down some stairs, that’s different.
[23:47:39] [O] [90:Alltaire:2]: That means he wants to have sex with you
[23:47:42] [O] [90:Alltaire:2]: and you said no
[23:47:45] [O] [90:Aelbram:1]: wat?
[23:47:47] [O] [90:Auctorita:2]: I push him to do better so he doesn't make us have to do pvp for 10 hours just to cap conquest.
[23:47:49] [O] [90:Alltaire:2]: you can't say no when you're not conscious
[23:48:05] [O] [90:Aelbram:1]: this went to an awkward place really quick
[23:48:10] [O] [90:Alltaire:2]: lol
[23:48:22] [O] [90:Cìty:1]: i see a new blog post coming

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