Sunday, August 14, 2011

Guild Chat: Lots of "Bros" in here

[20:53:32] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: man that prick is just fucking lucky
[20:54:00] [G] [85:Tgs]: Sounds like you avoided a murder charge. Or assault.
[20:54:03] [G] [85:Tgs]: :)
[20:54:10] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: it's only murder if u get caught
[20:54:32] [G] [85:Tgs]: Or if anyone sees you.
[20:54:41] [G] [85:Alltaire]: Only if you let the witnesses live.
[20:54:48] [G] [85:Aelendis]: ^
[20:54:56] [G] [85:Tgs]: Unless that witness is a cop.
[20:54:58] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: plenty of river for all of them
[20:55:08] [G] [85:Auctorita]: Witnesses are the least reliable part of the situation for the prosecution.
[20:55:08] [G] [85:Tgs]: Croc, personally.
[20:55:09] [G] [85:Aelendis]: the rule still applies
[20:55:12] [G] [85:Alltaire]: rivers?! What are you, a noob?!
[20:55:14] [G] [85:Aelendis]: if he lives, its an issue
[20:55:16] [G] [85:Alltaire]: PIG FARMS
[20:55:21] [G] [85:Alltaire]: Starve the pigs for 2 days
[20:55:25] [G] [85:Budaa]: i normally eat my victims

[20:55:26] [G] [85:Alltaire]: they devour everything, even bone and hair
[20:55:39] [G] [85:Tgs]: Crocs work too. :) Plus, who goes and looks for a croc.
[20:55:41] [G] [85:Tinkerbellas]: lol
[20:55:48] [G] [85:Aelendis]: who has crocs.....
[20:55:53] [G] [85:Tgs]: The south.
[20:55:53] [G] [85:Budaa]: i have 7
[20:55:56] [G] [85:Aelendis]: pig farms are extremely common.
[20:55:56] [G] [85:Auctorita]: Crocs actually take some time to digest the person.
[20:55:59] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: I'm not far out enough in the boonies for a pig farm
[20:56:10] [G] [85:Tinkerbellas]: Some guy did that to a bunch of women in BC.. let his pig eat their bodies >,<
[20:56:19] [G] [85:Tgs]: But, crocs also are just dangerous to be around.
[20:56:21] [G] [85:Budaa]: i raise a family of crocs in my bath tub
[20:56:24] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: but that 100'+ deep river is good enough
[20:56:41] [G] [85:Budaa]: oceans bro
[20:56:53] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: central states bro
[20:56:59] [G] [85:Budaa]: move bro
[20:57:03] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: I am bro
[20:57:04] [G] [85:Alltaire]: lol
[20:57:07] [G] [85:Tinkerbellas]: o.o
[20:57:08] [G] [85:Budaa]: faster bro
[20:57:20] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: find me a house buyer bro
[20:57:24] [G] [85:Tinkerbellas]: lol
[20:57:26] [G] [85:Budaa]: get a job bro

[20:57:27] [G] [85:Aelendis]: cool story bro
[20:57:36] [G] [85:Tgs]: True story.
[20:57:44] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: got a job bro, stop working at kinko's flippin copies bro
[20:57:57] [G] [85:Budaa]: stop sucking dicks for money bro
[20:58:16] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: gay for pay, pays well bro
[20:58:19] [G] [85:Tgs]: IMO the driver in this convo is doing some pretty sweet moves.

[20:58:32] [G] [85:Budaa]: those arent cold sores on ur lip bro
[20:58:45] [G] [85:Kneehighs]: those are aids in ur ass bro

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