[20:17:32] [G] [90:Odr]: Sammikk can feed em with his corpse if he dies on lei shen
[20:17:50] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Don't make fun of fat people
[20:17:54] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: That what Meyle's for
[20:18:38] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: Lava cake yummm
[20:18:46] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: OH MY GOD SIA
[20:18:47] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: SHARE
[20:18:53] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: i got 6
[20:18:59] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: come and get them !
[20:19:01] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: DON'T LET MEYLE KNOW
[20:19:48] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Quiz time! Which American wrtier is mentioned in the Beatles song "I Am the Walrus"?
[20:19:50] [G] [90:Cyrion]: I heard food
[20:19:53] [G] [90:Cyrion]: Whats going on?"
[20:19:55] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: writer, too
[20:20:06] [G] [90:Chimærä]: Trick question. 'Mericans don't write.
[20:20:14] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: IT IS NOT A TRICK QUESTION
[20:20:16] [G] [90:Cyrion]: 'Murica, get it right
[20:20:21] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: SOME OF US RITE GUD AND STUF
[20:21:05] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: An NFL team is named after a work by which American literary figure?!
[20:21:40] [G] [90:Cyrion]: bam, ravens
[20:21:49] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: MEYLE WINS!
[20:21:57] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: ?
[20:22:03] [G] [90:Aelbram]: I have confirmation he cheated.
[20:22:05] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: i thought we had to name the literary figure
[20:22:06] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: You win Sia's other lava cakes
[20:22:10] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: He does
[20:22:12] [G] [90:Cyrion]: CAKE?!
[20:22:17] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: but atleast he was playing!
[20:22:22] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: ATLEAST. HE. WAS PLAYING.
[20:22:22] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: well
[20:22:26] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: if it was the raven
[20:22:30] [G] [90:Aro]: poe
[20:22:33] [G] [90:Cyrion]: wrong
[20:22:34] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: im pretty sure poe wasnt american
[20:22:36] [G] [90:Cyrion]: seuss
[20:22:36] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Aro wins Meyle's cakes!
[20:22:37] [G] [90:Cyrion]: DUH
[20:22:38] [G] [90:Cyrion]: GOD
[20:22:41] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Poe is American
[20:22:47] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: lool
[20:22:51] [G] [90:Chimærä]: Going with a Poe question is way to easy for you, Jen.
[20:22:55] [G] [90:Cyrion]: What cakes, I ate them already
[20:22:58] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: too much chocolate right now
[20:22:58] [G] [90:Cyrion]: He cant has
[20:23:02] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Born in Boston
[20:23:13] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: educated in Europe, returned home to America, wrote
[20:23:17] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: died in a gutter in Boston
[20:23:25] [G] [90:Aro]: beat his wife
[20:23:26] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: no, Baltimore
[20:23:26] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: fuck
[20:23:36] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: hmm
[20:23:38] [G] [90:Aelbram]: now YOU lost your cake
[20:23:42] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: He was like in his 30s and she was 13. He was like her dad. I would beat the shit out of my kids, too
[20:23:43] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: i thought he was english
[20:24:04] [G] [90:Aro]: i think she was his cousin
[20:24:04] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: but i googled it and i was wrong haha
[20:24:06] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Well, he was educated in England
[20:24:10] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: She was his cousin
[20:24:16] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: cousins are hot
[20:24:19] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: i mean
[20:24:20] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: She also died young, too
[20:24:20] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: >.>
[20:24:22] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: lol
[20:24:28] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: SCREENSHOT
[20:24:33] [G] [90:Cyrion]: NO
[20:24:36] [G] [90:Cyrion]: NO SCREENSHOTS
[20:24:36] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: You can't live that down
[20:24:39] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: meh i can admit i have hot cousins
[20:24:40] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: TOO LATE
[20:24:43] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: dosnt mean i want to bone them
[20:24:36] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: You can't live that down
[20:24:57] [G] [90:Aro]: but you do
[20:24:57] [G] [90:Aelbram]: yes... i think it does.
[20:25:01] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: LOL
[20:25:09] [G] [90:Monkinitus]: dosnt help 3 of them are models
[20:25:23] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: The blog shall be well fed tonight.
[20:25:25] [G] [90:Aro]: help what, boning tem?
[20:25:31] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: TONIGHT. WE DINE. ON LULZ.
[20:25:37] [G] [90:Lovelysia]: i love my cousin. she's cute but too bad she's a lesbien tomboy
[20:25:53] [G] [90:Lemniscate]: lol ^
[20:25:53] [G] [90:Cyrion]: That blog is like satan, it devours the souls of people in this guild
[20:25:55] [G] [90:Aelbram]: this went to an interesting place all of a sudden
[20:26:10] [G] [90:Chimærä]: So...uh...why is that too bad?
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