Sunday, March 3, 2013

Guild Chat: Onions

[03:37:12] [G] [67:Chrystin]: I feel like i should talk in Gchat only when im drunk..
[03:37:15] [G] [90:Rustyshivs]: lol I have no dps in bm
[03:37:15] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: And that my friends
[03:37:19] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: is going on the blog
[03:37:21] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: XD
[03:37:27] [G] [90:Rustyshivs]: lol sweet!
[03:37:27] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: nice
[03:37:47] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: im irish and everything else....XD Slovokian?
[03:37:51] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I wish I still had that quote
[03:37:56] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: where we were talking about WW2
[03:37:59] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: and this guy was like
[03:38:03] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: "That shit's not funny!"
[03:38:09] [G] [67:Chrystin]: lol
[03:38:14] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: And I was like "Yeah man...I lost my grandpa in a concentration camp."
[03:38:18] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: "Oh my god...really?"
[03:38:25] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: "Yeah, he fell out of the guard tower."
[03:38:26] [G] [90:Rustyshivs]: LOL
[03:38:32] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: And the guy got so mad he gquit.
[03:38:37] [G] [67:Chrystin]: LOL
[03:38:44] [G] [90:Aelbram]: good times
[03:39:01] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: wow nice
[03:39:03] [G] [67:Chrystin]: i once raided in some troll guild in WOTLK
[03:39:05] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: high five
[03:39:15] [G] [90:Rustyshivs]: I heard that joke in a bar once
[03:39:22] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I love that joke
[03:39:23] [G] [67:Chrystin]: and i would only use soundboards during raids to talk in vent
[03:39:28] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: godamnit
[03:39:29] [G] [90:Rustyshivs]: ive only had the opportunity to tell it once afterwords
[03:39:36] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: someone fix this empty bottle of wine
[03:39:51] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: Soundboards are fantastic for raiding purposes
[03:39:58] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I had a guy use one once, but he was terrible at it
[03:40:04] [G] [67:Chrystin]: well i only got to raid once with them
[03:40:10] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: ive heard so many of those
[03:40:20] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: It wasn't funny, and you could tell he wasn't talking because it was coming through his speakers and shit
[03:40:24] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: HE RUINED IT
[03:40:25] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: RUINED!
[03:40:30] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: aww
[03:40:39] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: messed up your whole week didnt it?
[03:40:49] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: It ruined my whole year.
[03:40:55] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: D:
[03:41:02] [G] [67:Chrystin]: thats unfortunate
[03:41:03] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: It was worse than just today when I found out Bruce Willis was born in Germany.
[03:41:10] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: XD
[03:41:10] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I cried for like 10 hours
[03:41:12] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: no joke
[03:41:15] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: wow
[03:41:26] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: *pet pet*
[03:41:36] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: FUCKING NINJAS CUTTING ONIONS IN MY ROOM
[03:41:44] [G] [67:Chrystin]: i think we should all leave. Sounds like she needs to be alone.
[03:41:47] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: oh....sorry that was me
[03:42:01] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I'll never be alone with these ninjas!
[03:42:02] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: i was in teh ceiling makinf soup
[03:42:03] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: NEVER
[03:42:13] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: WELL QUIT IT
[03:42:16] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR SOUP
[03:42:18] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: NO
[03:42:23] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: AND MAKING IT IN MY CEILING IS TERRIBLE
[03:42:25] [G] [90:Aelbram]: unless its hot soup
[03:42:28] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: THEN ILL MAKE ONION POCKETS!
[03:42:33] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: It is always time for hot soup.
[03:42:37] [G] [90:Aelbram]: see?
[03:42:52] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: BUT DEREK IS USING TOO MANY ONIONS
[03:42:58] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: HIS SOUP WILL NEVER BE HOT SOUP
[03:43:09] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I need to go the fuck to bed
[03:43:13] [G] [90:Aelbram]: agreed, no one wants sad soup.
[03:43:14] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I'm way too silly when I'm tired
[03:43:14] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: be funny if i was hiding in her room right now real quiet...and just started to cut onions XD
[03:43:18] [G] [67:Chrystin]: lol
[03:43:33] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: One of these days
[03:43:37] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I plan to hide in someone's room
[03:43:37] [G] [67:Chrystin]: i need to quit looking at guild chat im crying from laughing so hard
[03:43:37] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: with that nice evil grin i have :)
[03:43:40] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: and cut onions
[03:43:44] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: just to see what happens
[03:43:47] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: XD
[03:43:59] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: It would be fantastic..I mean I would be crying, too
[03:44:05] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: haha
[03:44:07] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: but I wonder how long it would take that person to figure it out
[03:44:13] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: true
[03:44:23] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: "Do you smell onions?" "Why the fuck am I crying?!"
[03:44:25] [G] [90:Aelbram]: now that you've said something, I'll know.
[03:44:28] [G] [90:Aelbram]: I'll know...
[03:44:31] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: pfft
[03:44:37] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: you wont
[03:44:40] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: I'll do it to Hydra
[03:44:42] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: cause itll be me
[03:44:43] [G] [90:Aelbram]: LOL
[03:44:49] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: in a godamn mask
[03:44:52] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: or better yet
[03:44:58] [G] <Away>[90:Alltaire]: cut an onion, and put it in his pillow
[03:45:03] [G] [90:Aelbram]: I can just hear what he would say. "Why the fuck am i crying?!"
[03:45:04] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: omg
[03:45:05] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: XD
[03:45:12] [G] [83:Hayashibara]: best idea ever

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