Thursday, October 11, 2012


[20:50:59] [G] [90:Pessimism]: sooo
[20:51:04] [G] [79:Orandindead]: whyyyyyyyy can i not do cata stuff now
[20:51:07] [G] [90:Pessimism]: about that mitt romney, sure hope he wins
[20:51:07] [G] [79:Orandindead]: jesus
[20:51:11] [G] [79:Orandindead]: NU
[20:51:14] [G] [79:Orandindead]: WE DU NUT
[20:51:18] [G] [90:Pessimism]: ya
[20:51:20] [G] [79:Orandindead]: talk about politics in here
[20:51:24] [G] [90:Alltaire]: No politics in guild pls
[20:51:25] [G] [90:Pessimism]: too late
[20:51:29] [G] [90:Pessimism]: oh wait

[20:51:33] [G] [90:Pessimism]: thats an actual rule
[20:51:42] [G] [90:Alltaire]: Yeah. lol
[20:51:50] [G] [88:Neijing]: *throws a chair*
[20:51:50] [G] [90:Pessimism]: who got butthurt and ruined it for me?
[20:51:54] [G] [79:Orandindead]: people get bent out of shape way to easily
[20:51:56] [G] [90:Alltaire]: A long time ago
[20:51:57] [G] [90:Pessimism]: ^
[20:51:59] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: Along with sayinf a few words
[20:51:59] [G] [79:Orandindead]: but try general!
[20:52:06] [G] [90:Alltaire]: There were just people who raged for days
[20:52:06] [G] [90:Pessimism]: KK TIME TO TROLL LIBS
[20:52:08] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: such as
[20:52:17] [G] [90:Alltaire]: don't do it
[20:52:19] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: HORSE COCK
[20:52:24] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: misclick
[20:52:28] [G] [90:Pessimism]: lold
[20:52:32] [G] [79:Orandindead]: but not being political here. The first debate was literally so boring i fell asleep
[20:52:34] Sanstuss has been kicked out of the guild by Alltaire.
[20:52:35] [G] [79:Orandindead]: and drooled.
[20:52:39] [G] [90:Alltaire]: Misclick.
[20:52:43] [G] [90:Pessimism]: lmao
[20:52:50] [G] [90:Promikron]: why was our dk kicked from the guild
[20:52:52] [W From] [90:Sanstuss]: Well that was uncalled for
[20:52:53] [G] [79:Orandindead]: lol wtf is that about?
[20:52:56] You have invited Sanstuss to join your guild.
[20:52:59] Sanstuss has joined the guild.
[20:52:59] [90:Sanstuss] has come online.
[20:53:01] [G] [90:Alltaire]: I'm just fucking wit him
[20:53:02] [G] [90:Horfrost]: horse cock?
[20:53:05] [G] [90:Promikron]: lol
[20:53:08] [G] [90:Alltaire]: HORFROST
[20:53:09] [G] [90:Pessimism]: i laffed :L
[20:53:11] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: honestly
[20:53:12] [G] [79:Orandindead]: hor don't talk about my penis
[20:53:16] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: I have been kicked out the most
[20:53:20] [G] [90:Promikron]: feel free to continue fucking with him
[20:53:36] [G] [90:Pessimism]: w00t have 8 plots of motes planted
[20:53:40] [G] [90:Pessimism]: I CANT EVEN USE MOTES.
[20:53:42] Alltaire has promoted Sanstuss to Raider.
[20:53:47] [G] [79:Orandindead]: yes yacan
[20:53:53] [G] [90:Shockamus]: Hey Guys fuck you, santuss quit the game. So he isn't running his raid group anymore
[20:53:54] [G] [79:Orandindead]: you can turn them into mats the guild needs :D
[20:53:59] [G] [90:Pessimism]: kk
[20:54:06] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: :O
[20:54:07] Alltaire has demoted Sanstuss to Has Tiny Penis.
[20:54:13] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: WHAT
[20:54:16] [G] [90:Aelbram]: aaaahaha
[20:54:18] [G] [90:Shockamus]: shu up
[20:54:19] [G] [90:Serkwivit]: Its true ive sucked it
[20:54:20] [G] [90:Aelbram]: fucking owned flamingo
[20:54:21] [G] [90:Shockamus]: you quit the game
[20:54:21] [G] [66:Elgreth]: haha classic
[20:54:22] [G] [79:Orandindead]: like sans's ever RAN his raid group
[20:54:23] [G] [90:Serkwivit]: SEEN IT*
[20:54:31] [G] [90:Aelbram]: whoa now...
[20:54:36] [G] [90:Shockamus]: ...
[20:54:48] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: well....this is akward
[20:54:51] [G] [90:Aelbram]: i'm... just gonna go....
[20:55:01] [G] [90:Shockamus]: makes santuss gay
[20:55:10] [G] [66:Elgreth]: ses the person with a small penis
[20:55:10] [G] [79:Orandindead]: a makeout party would be an awesome way to fix this...
[20:55:11] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: idk who santuss is
[20:55:24] Alltaire has promoted Sanstuss to Raider.
[20:55:26] [G] [90:Promikron]: by the way
[20:55:27] Alltaire has demoted Sanstuss to Loves Homosex.
[20:55:27] [G] [90:Shockamus]: JOOOOO
[20:55:28] [G] [90:Promikron]:  [Plans: Gauntlets of Battle Command]
[20:55:33] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: omfg
[20:55:34] [G] [90:Pessimism]: gib
[20:55:41] [G] [66:Elgreth]: haha
[20:55:43] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: did u make that just for me?
[20:55:46] [G] [90:Promikron]: alltaire are you a blacksmith
[20:55:47] [G] [90:Sanstuss]: that rank -_-
[20:55:50] [G] [90:Shockamus]: yes he made a plan
[20:55:52] [G] [90:Shockamus]: good one

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