Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guild Chat: This is Anhedonia

[23:24:41] [G] [85:Lyzoldas]: is it bad roleplaying to be an undead warlock that summons powerful demons, and has a [Singing Sunflower] for a favorite pet?
[23:24:52] [G] [85:Skillex]: Only on a RP serv
[23:24:59] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Well if your going to roleplay something in the first place
[23:25:01] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: you may as well go all the way
[23:25:04] [G] [85:Evannah]: It shows that the warlock is a bit quirky
[23:25:20] [G] [85:Lyzoldas]: any1 know the webcomic LFG?
[23:25:28] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: oh man
[23:25:36] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: that brings back memories
[23:25:44] [G] [85:Lyzoldas]: that orphanage attacked me first!
[23:26:12] [G] [85:Omghydralisk:2]: i roleplayed a Whorehouse in goldshire
[23:26:23] [G] [85:Reynila]: how did that go for you hydra?
[23:26:36] [G] [85:Omghydralisk:2]: not well, my wench's weren't making enough money
[23:26:44] [G] [85:Reynila]: well damn
[23:26:49] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: oh god
[23:26:50] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: moon guard
[23:26:52] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: REYNILA
[23:26:54] [G] [85:Auctorita:1]: Stop being a bad pimp
[23:26:54] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: GET THE FUCK OUT
[23:26:54] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: erp
[23:26:54] [G] [85:Reynila]: WHAT
[23:26:59] [G] [85:Reynila]: NO
[23:27:01] [G] [85:Omghydralisk:2]: had to excersise my backhand options
[23:27:07] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO?
[23:27:08] [G] [85:Reynila]: well how did those options treat you?
[23:27:14] [G] [85:Reynila]: MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE
[23:27:18] [G] [85:Reynila]: DON'T YOU SEE THEM ALL IN THE CLOUDS
[23:27:20] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: you see
[23:27:24] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: at least i feed her ego
[23:27:29] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: Oh right. You're crazy.
[23:27:37] [G] [85:Reynila]: yeah you know, no biggy or nothing
[23:27:44] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Alltaire
[23:27:46] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: in this guild
[23:27:47] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: crazy is relative
[23:27:51] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: hes pretty sane in the long ru
[23:27:52] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: run*
[23:28:15] [G] [85:Reynila]: not like the theory of relativity there
[23:28:19] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: ... I feel filthy just implying Reynila is sane
[23:28:25] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: You're going to hell.
[23:28:26] [G] [85:Reynila]: why, I am damn sane
[23:28:32] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: What are you talking about
[23:28:34] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: this is hell
[23:28:40] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: NO
[23:28:41] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: THIS
[23:28:42] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: IS
[23:28:43] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: ANHEDONIA
[23:28:44] [G] [85:Sanstuss]: omg i want to tighti to log on
[23:28:45] [G] [85:Sanstuss]: LOL
[23:28:47] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Well
[23:28:51] Ashtehbloody has been kicked out of the guild by Alltaire.
[23:28:52] [G] [85:Sanstuss]: going to be trolled so HARD
[23:28:54] [G] [85:Reynila]: LOL
[23:28:56] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: Took too long to boot.
[23:28:56] [W From] [55:Ashtehbloody]: :(
[23:29:06] [G] [85:Sanstuss]: wait
[23:29:08] [W From] [55:Ashtehbloody]: in all implications
[23:29:12] [W From] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Not feeling pleasure
[23:29:12] You have invited Ashtehbloody to join your guild.
[23:29:14] [W From] [55:Ashtehbloody]: could be seen as hell
[23:29:16] Ashtehbloody has joined the guild.
[23:29:16] [55:Ashtehbloody] has come online.
[23:29:21] Alltaire has promoted Ashtehbloody to Alt.
[23:29:24] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Not feeling pleasure could be seen as hell
[23:29:26] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: in the long run
[23:29:29] [G] [85:Reynila]: I sitll think I should have my rank
[23:29:33] [G] [85:Reynila]: it is
[23:29:37] [G] [85:Omghydralisk:2]: court Jester?
[23:29:45] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: Reynila is special ops
[23:29:46] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: i mean
[23:29:47] [G] [85:Reynila]: no
[23:29:49] [G] [55:Ashtehbloody]: clearly hes special enough
[23:29:51] [G] [85:Reynila]: I am better than that
[23:29:52] [G] [85:Omghydralisk:2]: Punching Bag?
[23:29:57] [G] [85:Reynila]: I don't care lol
[23:29:59] [G] [85:Lyzoldas]: Bottom Feeder?
[23:30:09] [G] [85:Reynila]: ew thats like a catfish and that shit is nasty

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