Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guild Chat: The Single Longest Post Ever

20:39:20 [Purloin]: cause shes a cunt
20:39:21 [Moknor]: made her own guild, then joined versus :P
20:39:21 [Serigeese]: GOD
20:39:22 [Reynila]: AGAIN
20:39:24 [Reynila]: GEESE AGAIN
20:39:29 [Serigeese]: well FUCK
20:39:53 [Serigeese]: and her child was mine's to be
20:39:54 [Moknor]: wtf we cant vote kick purloin :(
20:39:59 [Reynila]: lol
20:40:07 [Purloin]: you guys are dickpubes
20:40:11 [Purloin]: ill never do a reg again
20:40:22 [Reynila]: i dont' even remember this one
20:40:35 [Serigeese]: it';s that one instance everyone a pussy about
20:40:39 [Moknor]: haha
20:40:39 [Reynila]: lol
20:40:40 [Purloin]: HHAHAHAHA
20:40:43 [Reynila]: geese left
20:40:46 [Reynila]: god damn it
20:40:51 [Moknor]: fuck that reg then..
20:40:53 [Serigeese]: god damn it pur
20:41:10 [Moknor]: i was running it for you seri :P
20:41:11 [Purloin]: come back mok
20:41:19 [Purloin]: i booted him lmao
20:41:35 [Reynila]: god damn it
20:41:37 [Serigeese]: i know that
20:41:43 [Moknor]: mass summon us then
20:41:44 [Serigeese]: but pur a fucking troll
20:41:44 [Serigeese]: LOL
20:42:08 [Purloin]: i am a pirate sir you are false
20:42:10 [Reynila]: no sir
20:43:27 [Reynila]: FUCK YES
20:43:33 [Purloin]: STARCALLER SERIGEESE
20:43:35 [Purloin]: SHOW US THE WAY
20:43:38 [Reynila]: lol
20:43:46 [Serigeese]: DAMN IT ALL
20:43:50 [Reynila]: LETS DO IT
20:44:03 [Serigeese]: nice knowing ya
20:44:04 [Finalattempt]: is it bad form to put guildies on ignore list? because i am seriously tempted right now
20:44:23 [Reynila]: lol
20:51:34 [Comerofdeath]: does [Polished Breastplate of Valor] work as 80?
20:51:46 [Serigeese]: wow im doing more than pur
20:51:48 [Finalattempt]: yes
20:51:49 [Serigeese]: that's pretty bad
20:51:51 [Purloin]: grats on trash
20:51:52 [Omghydralisk]: you cant see him at night unless he smiles
20:51:54 [Finalattempt]: it works until 81
20:51:55 [Comerofdeath]: butnot on 81?
20:51:57 [Comerofdeath]: k
20:52:09 [Serigeese]: still counts
20:52:10 [Serigeese]: AHAHAHA
20:52:11 [Purloin]: lets see at boss
20:53:24 [Reynila]: fuck why didn't i let him die
20:53:51 [Purloin]: Recount - DPS for Current Fight
20:54:00 [Reynila]: thats some nice dps
20:54:03 [Purloin]: Recount - DPS for General Umbriss 20:52:32-20:53:07
20:54:03 [Purloin]: 1. Finalattempt 19632.6 (34.7%)
20:54:03 [Purloin]: 2. Purloin 18755.5 (33.2%)
20:54:03 [Purloin]: 3. Serigeese 10297.9 (18.2%)
20:54:05 [Comerofdeath]: ^
20:54:12 [Finalattempt]: im still fucking around with destro =/
20:54:25 [Notenough]: thats some damn faiil dps
20:54:27 [Notenough]: lol
20:54:29 [Comerofdeath]: ^
20:54:32 [Purloin]: gj geese
20:54:37 [Purloin]: pretty good
20:54:38 [Finalattempt]: it will be good on shannox!
20:54:39 [Purloin]: ....hahaaha
20:56:25 [Finalattempt]: my trash dps is suck city though
20:56:32 [Serigeese]: rofl
20:56:37 [Reynila]: lol
20:56:41 [Serigeese]: aff does better i would think
20:56:42 [Purloin]: nono
20:56:45 [Finalattempt]: yeah it does
20:56:46 [Purloin]: alltaires mouth is suck city
20:56:48 [Reynila]: lets do it lol
20:57:43 [Reynila]: mroe things for geese lol
20:57:48 [Serigeese]: geese man
20:58:01 [Cosmicsans]: geese all day?
20:58:03 [Serigeese]: coming back with a venage and a tub of BUTTER IN EACH HAND
20:58:08 [Reynila]: oh god
20:58:10 [Reynila]: i dont' want that image
20:58:23 [Purloin]: shut up your a man
20:58:43 [Reynila]: that means tnohign
20:58:49 [Reynila]: its a disturbing image lol
20:58:51 [Purloin]: como?
20:58:57 [Purloin]: tnohign
21:00:39 [Reynila]: damn it
21:00:47 [Serigeese]: YOU SAW NOTHING
21:00:52 [Serigeese]: i didnt die at all
21:00:56 [Serigeese]: i just tripped
21:01:00 [Reynila]: down some stairs
21:01:09 [Serigeese]: WHICH I DID
21:02:20 [Reynila]: fuck
21:02:48 [Serigeese]: what a bunch of failures
21:02:52 [Reynila]: the hell
21:02:56 [Reynila]: ther was no s
21:02:59 [Reynila]: there was no gap there
21:03:07 [Cosmicsans]: sooo
21:03:09 [Cosmicsans]: cho kill?
21:03:29 [Marylla]: invite :P
21:03:36 [Purloin]: dont^
21:03:41 [Alltaire]: Anyone for Firelands trash? 4 bosses dead, we're just kinda gonna run around and kill whatever is left..
21:03:44 [Purloin]: she does 13k dps in SFK heroic
21:03:46 [Marylla]: i left that fail reg group anyway
21:03:50 [Reynila]: woo lol
21:03:52 [Cosmicsans]: alltaire chogatthh
21:03:58 [Cosmicsans]: err
21:03:59 [Marylla]: Recount - Damage Done for Lord Godfrey 00:41:56-00:43:41
21:03:59 [Marylla]: 1. Marylla 2183693 (26995.8, 38.4%)
21:03:59 [Marylla]: 2. Cptnovie 1429158 (13341.7, 25.1%)
21:03:59 [Marylla]: 3. Letsplay-Shattered Hand 1048742 (10301.0, 18.4%)
21:03:59 [Marylla]: 4. Purloin 1012818 (11105.5, 17.8%)
21:04:00 [Cosmicsans]: cho gall
21:04:01 [Cosmicsans]: >.>
21:04:02 [Marylla]: hey purloin
21:04:03 [Notenough]: about time you got 4 down
21:04:06 [Marylla]: wheres my 13k?
21:04:06 [Notenough]: lol
21:04:15 [Purloin]: YOU LOSER
21:04:16 [Alltaire]: My group fell apart first week of firelands.
21:04:17 [Purloin]: YOU SAVED IT
21:04:17 [Alltaire]: :(
21:04:17 [Marylla]: oh sorry i see 27k..
21:04:30 [Purloin]: TOUCHE DOUCHE
21:04:33 [Alltaire]: I really only have 5 people on my team that actually show up.
21:04:53 [Reynila]: hard dedication
21:04:54 [Cosmicsans]: where'd nano go?
21:04:54 [Finalattempt]: ill do that trash actually
21:04:55 [Shadyez]: well then invite me one of these times :P
21:04:56 [Finalattempt]: if you want me
21:05:16 [Skylinè]: he got a J O B
21:05:23 [Alltaire]: Nanako's job changed his hours to night shift second week of Firelands.
21:05:25 [Cosmicsans]: ew work.
21:06:16 [Alltaire]: I have 2 tanks, 2 DPS and a healer. That's kind of all the regulars I have. :P
21:06:23 [Reynila]: woo
21:06:27 [Alltaire]: Cel's new, but he's doing good so far.
21:06:29 [Alltaire]: SO FAR.
21:06:39 [Reynila]: only so far lol
21:06:40 [Attenborough]: And a few of the regulars are pretty bad.
21:06:41 [Cosmicsans]: BRING ME YOU JERRK
21:06:43 [Alltaire]: lol
21:06:43 [Attenborough]: <--

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