Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Guild Chat: Muffins and Wizards

[23:27:19] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: i also love when they bitch about my heals when i keep everyone alive the entire instance
[23:27:49] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: as i said earlier today
[23:27:54] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: pugs can lead to cardiac arrests...
[23:28:19] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: look your bad
[23:28:21] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: its okay
[23:28:24] [G] [85:Coreinna]: true story he said that
[23:28:29] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: yuo'll just evolve into a worse player.
[23:28:34] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: then you'll end up quitting
[23:28:38] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: it'll be better for everyone.
[23:28:38] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: oh really
[23:28:46] [G] [85:Warmitt]: lol
[23:28:55] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: and since when has a bad people done this community the service of leaving?
[23:29:06] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: bad person*
[23:29:15] [G] [85:Attenborough:2]: when they get run over by a bus
[23:29:16] [G] [85:Warmitt]: lead by example
[23:29:21] [G] [85:Sabbatha:2]: rofl
[23:29:35] [G] [66:Twolipps]: aww so mean
[23:29:53] [G] [85:Warmitt]: ty
[23:30:34] [G] [85:Cosmicsans]: lol
[23:30:58] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: I'm blogging this.
[23:31:00] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: Fantastic.
[23:31:08] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: :3
[23:31:21] [G] [85:Norjj]: no
[23:31:31] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: i suppose you think youre going to stop her
[23:32:04] [G] [85:Warmitt]: new santana album is great!
[23:32:17] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH AND EAT MY MUFFINS
[23:32:19] [G] [85:Alltaire:1]: Reynila is useless.
[23:32:22] [G] [85:Norjj]: fuck
[23:32:23] [G] [85:Norjj]: no
[23:32:24] [G] [72:Noù]: MUFFINS WHERE
[23:32:26] [G] [85:Norjj]: i am very useful
[23:32:34] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: COME GET THEM
[23:32:50] [G] [72:Noù]: muffins ar ugly cupcakes
[23:32:52] [G] [85:Warmitt]: prove it
[23:33:00] [G] [85:Norjj]: don't get mad at my awesome skill lol
[23:33:05] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: youve offended the muffins
[23:33:12] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: they will now suffocate you in your sleep
[23:33:24] [G] [72:Noù]: nuuuu they're just as good as cupcakes...
[23:33:32] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: too late bitch
[23:33:34] [G] [72:Noù]: cupcakes are like debutant muffins.
[23:33:42] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: you cannot withstand the wrath of my muffins
[23:33:59] [G] [72:Noù]: they can be pretty too. Why didn't you dress them up. I'm sure they're more insulted by you for not making them pretty
[23:34:15] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: thats implying that they arent already pretty as they are
[23:34:24] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: not all of us hide behind a mask of lies like you do
[23:34:35] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: and yes, i know all about the "event"
[23:35:25] [G] [72:Noù]: you left them plain and not pretty leaving thei ego and self esteem already down. This stemmed from you convincing them they're soething they're not. So really...they're more mad at you then me, they're just diverting their anger cuz they know you love em
[23:35:35] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: and i did not read a single word of taht
[23:35:37] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: that*
[23:35:48] [G] [72:Noù]: You should, I worked hard on it.
[23:35:56] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: all the more reason to disregard it
[23:36:01] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: im sure you spiced it up with some tasty lies
[23:36:04] [G] [72:Noù]:  /doom
[23:36:15] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: dont you dare threaten me
[23:36:21] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: ill put you into "the camp"
[23:36:38] [G] [72:Noù]: Not interested. You have ugly plain cupcakes.
[23:36:53] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: and they will very quickly be deep in your throat
[23:37:17] [G] [72:Noù]: that sounded ....terrible
[23:37:33] [G] [72:Noù]: I've handled muffins before. I got this.
[23:37:51] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: you cant handle MY muffins
[23:37:51] [G] [72:Noù]: I have a secret weapon that always gets them.
[23:38:00] [G] [72:Noù]: anyone's muffins, yours don't scare me.
[23:38:06] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: i have muffins on my muffins
[23:38:14] [G] [72:Noù]: its been done.
[23:38:22] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: AND SUDDENLY
[23:38:26] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: MOTHER FUCKING FELDSPAR
[23:38:29] [G] [72:Noù]: I've dealt with angry muffins before.
[23:38:39] [G] [85:Norjj]: i'm mothafucka jones
[23:38:50] [G] [85:Warmitt]: Hey!  Muffins have feelings!
[23:39:00] [G] [85:Sabbatha:2]: she was giving u a tour of her mouth eh
[23:39:42] [G] [72:Noù]: Yeah they have feelings. cuz they're pussies.
[23:39:49] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: WHATS THAT
[23:39:51] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: CANT HEAR YOU
[23:39:54] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: GOT A COCK IN YOUR MOUTH
[23:40:18] [G] [72:Noù]: No, I'm right here, I don't need to yell. Only pussies yell online.
[23:40:24] [G] [85:Sanstuss]: wow
[23:40:30] [G] [65:Stabyamon]: you mean only wizards like myself yell online

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